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UNM Innovation Academy

UNM_InnovationAcademy_Vertical_RGBThe University of New Mexico Innovation Academy represents the academic component of Innovate ABQ. The Innovation Academy inspires the beginning of the problem-solving ‘idea pipeline,’ whereas Innovate ABQ implements the applied outcomes of the ‘idea pipeline.’

The Innovation Academy is designed to allow students to pursue their interests in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Here they build their enterprise while completing their degree program with world-class support from a research university truly interested in their success.

The Innovation Academy is located at the Lobo Rainforest Building, 101 Broadway Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102.

See more information at https://innovationacademy.unm.edu/.


Executive Director
Office of the Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs
Robert G. DelCampo, Ph.D.