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International economic development programs and activities at UNM cover several areas of engagement from sharing best practices in technology-transfer education to promoting research and commercialization collaborations for mutual economic benefit.

For instance, UNM Rainforest Innovations’ Internship Academy provides opportunities for non-U.S. university staff and students to participate in our professional and student internship programs. Participants learn about the role and responsibilities of a U.S. university technology transfer program in protecting and commercializing its intellectual property, and how to foster an entrepreneurial mindset within their universities.

Collaborating with international universities and companies on research and technology commercialization is also a focus of UNM’s international economic development program. These partnerships create opportunities for joint new technologies, licensing, and new company formation, and new educational program.

By sharing our expertise and knowledge with others, we are helping to create global innovation ecosystems that will produce research and economic development opportunities for all of us.