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ABQ startup brings blazing fast internet to local college

Albuquerque startup OptiPulse Inc. will soon  be testing its laser chips for wireless networking at Central New Mexico Community College’s (CNM) main campus.  The company has developed 10 gigabytes-per-second speeds using its proprietary laser chips  that will save energy and lower the cost of transmitting data.   OptiPulse has received funding from the STC Co-Investment Fund to develop the technology.  To read more about the upcoming pilot project at CNM, see Christian Marquez’ November 29, 2018 article, “ABQ startup brings blazing fast internet to local college,” from Albuquerque Business First, at https://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/news/2018/11/29/optipulse-cnm-10gbps-wireless.html.